My blog posts are released under a CC BY-SA 4.0 license. They are available as an RSS feed and their source files are hosted on GitHub.
Topics: culture economics education finance mathematics media networks politics research software sports statistics technology
- A model of self-sabotage (Nov 14)
- Reflections on grad school: Years 3 and 4 (Sep 21)
- What is an “economic model?” (Aug 13)
- Armchair Expert episodes (Jul 26)
- Decomposing matrices of pairwise minima (May 5)
- Learning about a changing state (Jan 8)
- Learning from correlated signals (Nov 24)
- Inverting matrices of pairwise minima (Aug 20)
- Correlation and concordance (Aug 3)
- The option value of waiting (Jul 16)
- Learning in continuous time (Jul 8)
- Paying for precision (Jul 4)
- Binary signals and posterior variances (Jul 2)
- Comparing equal- and value-weighted portfolios (May 22)
- Models of the AI apocalypse (May 15)
- Who reads Marginal Revolution? (May 8)
- Marginal Revolution metadata (Apr 7)
- Five years of blogging (Mar 1)
- Selection bias and fixed effects (Jan 25)
- Learning and persuasion (Jan 8)
- Learning from opinions (Jan 6)
- stravadata demo (Jan 1)
- Social networks in rural India (Dec 24)
- Optimal pacing with random energy costs (Dec 12)
- Optimal pacing with varying energy costs (Dec 11)
- Correlation and concatenation (Nov 17)
- The friendship paradox (Nov 16)
- Binary distributions and risky gambles (Nov 13)
- Estimating treatment effects with OLS (Nov 12)
- Why do experts give simple advice? (Sep 25)
- Dollar cost averaging (Sep 17)
- Homophily and the strength of moderate ties (Sep 16)
- Reflections on grad school: Years 1 and 2 (Sep 6)
- Paying for the truth (Sep 1)
- Why should academics blog? (Jul 31)
- What’s it like living in America? (Jul 26)
- Research incentives and the evolution of knowledge (Jul 22)
- Truth-seekers and ideologues (Jul 18)
- Gender sorting among economists (Jun 3)
- Gender differences in publication rates within NBER programs (May 28)
- Publication outcomes of NBER working papers (May 17)
- Judging economic models (May 16)
- Echo chambers can be useful (Apr 8)
- Tolerance and compromise in social networks (Apr 1)
- Persuading with anecdotes (Mar 18)
- Ideological bias and trust in information sources (Mar 9)
- Pre-screening evidence (Mar 2)
- Communicating science (Feb 23)
- Assortativity and correlation coefficients (Feb 17)
- nberwp 1.1.0 (Jan 21)
- Hypothesis tests and Bayesian reasoning (Jan 6)
- Stable matchings with correlated preferences (Nov 19)
- Learning from noisy signals (Oct 23)
- A competition model of corruption (Oct 12)
- Snowball sampling bias in program evaluation (Sep 4)
- Improving human predictions (Aug 17)
- Dead ends (Jul 28)
- nberwp is now on CRAN (Jul 21)
- Coefficients of correlated regressors (Jul 7)
- Rationalizing negative splits (May 18)
- Stable matchings with noisy preferences (May 2)
- Stable matchings (Apr 19)
- Female representation and collaboration at the NBER (Mar 29)
- Monopoly equilibrium in insurance markets (Feb 19)
- Dyadic dependence (Feb 10)
- Assortative mixing (Feb 2)
- Ordinary and total least squares (Jan 11)
- Auctioning vaccines (Dec 17)
- Gift exchange mechanisms (Dec 13)
- Aggregating preferences: Bird of the Year edition (Nov 29)
- Polarized beliefs in social networks (Oct 29)
- Research funding and collaboration (Oct 12)
- Relatedness, complexity and local growth redux (Sep 10)
- COVID-19, lockdown and two-sided uncertainty (Aug 21)
- Lessons from Dave Maré (Aug 16)
- Product-maximising partitions (Jul 8)
- Understanding selection bias (Jul 3)
- Applying to economics PhD programs (Jun 13)
- Estimating research field similarities (May 30)
- Policymaking under uncertainty (May 17)
- Transitivity in positive correlations (Apr 24)
- Greedy Pig strategies (Apr 18)
- Generating random graphs with communities (Apr 7)
- Insurance and saving (Apr 3)
- Optimal training loads (Mar 30)
- Voting along party lines (Mar 26)
- Matching runners (Mar 21)
- Spotify Premium pricing (Mar 17)
- Stanford (Mar 13)
- Uniform sums and Euler’s number (Mar 9)
- Triadic closure at the NBER (Mar 4)
- Degree-preserving randomisation (Feb 17)
- Centrality rankings with noisy edge sets (Feb 14)
- NBER (co-)authorships (Feb 7)
- DeGroot learning in social networks (Jan 27)
- White elephant gift exchanges (Dec 11)
- Birds, voting, and Russian interference (Nov 17)
- How central is Grand Central Terminal? (Nov 14)
- Climate change and transport planning (Nov 6)
- Computing epicycles (Nov 3)
- Introducing nberwp (Sep 24)
- Information gerrymandering (Sep 14)
- Sampling the Motu coauthorship network (Jul 30)
- Updating motuwp (Jul 28)
- College degrees in the US: Community detection (Jul 27)
- College degrees in the US: Similarity measures (Jul 14)
- College degrees in the US: Demographics (Jul 1)
- Reading the ministerial diaries (Jun 12)
- Relatedness, complexity and local growth (Apr 2)
- Accessing the Strava API with R (Jan 6)