The first book on my reading list for 2020 was Matthew Jackson‘s The Human Network. Its seventh chapter discusses DeGroot learning as a process for building consensus among members of a social network.
Consider a (strongly) connected social network among people. These people have private information that they use to form independent initial beliefs about the value of some parameter . Recognising that their information sets may be incomplete, everyone updates their beliefs in discrete time steps by iteratively adopting the mean belief among their friends. This process spreads the information available to each individual throughout the network, allowing peoples’ beliefs to converge to a consensus estimate of .1
The figure below presents an example of this setup. It shows the social network among eight people after zero, one, two, and three time steps. Nodes represent people, and are coloured according to the deviation of peoples’ beliefs above (orange) or below (purple) 's true value (white). Edges represent mutual friendships. Over time, the information embedded in peoples’ initial beliefs diffuses throughout the network and the variation in beliefs around collapses to zero.
People with more friends have more influence on the consensus estimate because they have more avenues through which to spread information. One can formalise this claim as follows. Let be the vector of time beliefs. This vector evolves according to where is a row-stochastic matrix with entries equal to the (time-invariant) weight that person assigns to the beliefs of person at each time step. Notice that and so the vector of consensus estimates is given by
In the context of DeGroot learning in social networks, we have where is the adjacency matrix for the social network, is person 's degree in that network, and is the identity matrix. Adding one in the numerator (if ) and denominator reflects person including their own beliefs when computing the mean among their friends.
The matrix describes a Markov chain on the set of people. Assuming that the social network is (strongly) connected implies that is irreducible and aperiodic. It follows from the Perron-Frobenius theorem that where is the vector of ones and is a row vector corresponding to the unique stationary distribution of ; that is, uniquely solves subject to the constraints that for each and .
Now, let be the row vector with entries . Then for each and . Moreover, since is symmetric (and so ), for each so that and therefore by uniqueness. Thus, the consensus estimate is given by Finally, the influence that person has on is captured by the partial derivative which is an increasing linear function of person 's degree in the social network.
Convergence is guaranteed if the social network is strongly connected (Golub and Jackson, 2005). ↩︎