Blog posts on networks
- Social networks in rural India (Dec 24)
- The friendship paradox (Nov 16)
- Homophily and the strength of moderate ties (Sep 16)
- Truth-seekers and ideologues (Jul 18)
- Gender sorting among economists (Jun 3)
- Tolerance and compromise in social networks (Apr 1)
- Assortativity and correlation coefficients (Feb 17)
- Snowball sampling bias in program evaluation (Sep 4)
- Female representation and collaboration at the NBER (Mar 29)
- Dyadic dependence (Feb 10)
- Assortative mixing (Feb 2)
- Auctioning vaccines (Dec 17)
- Polarized beliefs in social networks (Oct 29)
- Research funding and collaboration (Oct 12)
- Estimating research field similarities (May 30)
- Generating random graphs with communities (Apr 7)
- Triadic closure at the NBER (Mar 4)
- Degree-preserving randomisation (Feb 17)
- Centrality rankings with noisy edge sets (Feb 14)
- motuwp is now an R package (Feb 8)
- NBER (co-)authorships (Feb 7)
- DeGroot learning in social networks (Jan 27)
- How central is Grand Central Terminal? (Nov 14)
- Climate change and transport planning (Nov 6)
- Information gerrymandering (Sep 14)
- Sampling the Motu coauthorship network (Jul 30)
- College degrees in the US: Community detection (Jul 27)
- College degrees in the US: Similarity measures (Jul 14)
- Relatedness, complexity and local growth (Apr 2)
- Coauthorship networks at Motu (Jun 21)
- Habitat choices of first-generation Pokémon (Mar 1)