Suppose I want to learn the value of . I observe a sequence of iid signals with and where and are false positive and false negative rates. I let denote my belief that after observing signals, and update this belief sequentially via Bayes’ formula: In particular, if I observe then I update my belief to whereas if I observe then I update my belief to
The chart below shows how my belief changes with . Each path in the chart corresponds to the sequence of beliefs obtained by updating my initial belief in response to a signal sequence . I simulate 10 such sequences, fixing and but varying .
If then my belief converges to as grows. However, if then for each ; that is, I never update my beliefs regardless of the signals I observe. This is because if then for each , and so signals are uninformative because they are independent of .
The chart below plots the mean of my beliefs across 1,000 realizations of the signals simulated above. Again, I fix and the false positive rate but vary the false negative rate . Higher values of are not always worse: my belief converges to the truth faster when than when . Intuitively, if I know the false negative rate is close to 100% then observing a signal gives me strong evidence that .