Suppose I want to retire at time \(T>0\). I make constant payments to a savings account that earns continuously compounded interest \(r>0\). I want my retirement fund to be worth \(V>0\) today (time \(0\)). How much bigger do my payments have to be if I delay them?

Let \(X_d\) be the payments I have to make if I start saving at time \(d\in[0,T]\). These payments form an annuity with value $$\frac{X_d}{r}\left(1-e^{-r(T-d)}\right)$$ at time \(d\). I want this value to equal \(Ve^{rd}\). So my payments must equal $$\begin{align} X_d &= \frac{r}{1-e^{-r(T-d)}}\times Ve^{rd} \\ &= \frac{rV}{e^{-rd}-e^{-rT}}. \end{align}$$ Therefore, delaying to time \(d\) increases my payments by a factor of $$\frac{X_d}{X_0}=\frac{1-e^{-rT}}{e^{-rd}-e^{-rT}}.$$ The chart below shows how \(X_d/X_0\) grows with the proportion of time \(d/T\) I delay saving. Part of this growth comes from having less time remaining: if my savings earn no interest, then the factor $$\lim_{r\to0}\frac{X_d}{X_0}=\frac{T}{T-d}$$ equals the ratio of time until retirement and time spent saving. Raising \(r\) raises \(X_d/X_0\) because I forgo more opportunities to earn interest on my interest the longer I delay. This is especially true when I’m far from retiring (i.e., \(T\) is large).

Thanks to Michael Boskin for inspiring this post.